BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

This is a bachelor's degree, which is related to science. The way B.Com for commerce and B.A for arts. It happens, in the same way, there is a B.SC for science.

BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

BSC Full Form: What is BSC?: Before knowing what is BSC, it is very important for us to know about BSC that there are many types of subjects in the educational field in which there are special degrees for education. There are 2 level degrees according to the subjects. Which are post-graduate and other undergraduate degrees. Similar degrees also include a BSC degree, which is an undergraduate degree.

Today we are going to tell you some special information about the BSC degree, hopefully, you will get complete information related to BSC. That is why read this article related to the BSC degree completely.

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BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

The BSC full form is Bachelor of Science. This is a bachelor’s degree, which is related to science. The way B.Com for commerce and B.A for arts. It happens, in the same way, there is a B.SC for science. In this, many important subjects related to science are studied. This degree is of three years duration.

BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

Eligibility For BSC

  1. Many students interested in science think of doing B.SC. But they do not know its eligibility. We are telling you what should be the eligibility for BSC i.e. who can do B.SC. Following is the information for this-
  2. As you know that this is an undergraduate degree, so for this the student should have passed 10+2. It means to say that the education of the student should be complete till senior secondary.
  3. For this, if you have up to 60% in your 12th, then admission becomes easy for you. Sometimes you get 50-55% admission as well. Sometimes students with a good percentage are given first priority on the basis of merit.
  4. There is no age restriction for this. You can take this degree after turning 18, whenever you want, at any age.
  5. For this, it is mandatory to have science subject in 12th. Apart from this, there should be 50% or good marks in Physics, Chemistry and Math/Bio (or Both) subjects.
  6. In many colleges, entrance exams are conducted for its admission.

We have told you the eligibility of B.SC. There may be a slight difference in the percentage in many colleges.

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BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

What are the subjects in B.SC?

Many subjects related to science are studied in B.SC. There are also practical subjects in this, for which the laboratory etc. is arranged in the college, where practicals etc. are done. Although the field of science is huge, there are many subjects related to it. But there are some special subjects for graduate level. You have the option to study. Some optional subjects have to be selected in their subjects and some are compulsory subjects. There are the following subjects for BSC-

  1. Mathematics
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Botany
  4. Biology
  5. Physics
  6. Zoology
  7. Chemistry
  8. Electronics
  9. Computer Science
  10. Environmental Science

Fees for B.SC

There is also a question regarding fees in the minds of students aspiring to do B.SC. To do a BSC degree, you have to pay admission fees, exam fees, enrollment fees, etc. Enrollment fees have to be paid only once in your three years. If you consider the fees for 3 years, you may have to pay fees up to 25K rupees in a government college. In comparison, the fees are higher in private colleges. Because maybe practical etc. According to the fees charged more.

BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

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From which college can I do B.SC?

If the biggest problem is considered for the students, it is that they do not have any guide as to what they should do. In such a situation, if he chooses a degree, then many times there is a question in his mind about the college that from which college it should be done.

It is not necessary that every student is capable in study. Because many students who specialize in reading are not capable. Due to which many times their studies stop and they are not able to study further. By the way, there are both government and private colleges for BSC. If you are not capable, then you can also do BSC from government colleges.

BSC Full Form: What is BSC?

But it would be better if you first check the background of the university. Friends, there are many such universities, where despite being a government, a good education is given. Apart from this, if you are good in money and education, then you can also choose a good private college. In your city also you will get Undergraduate college, from where you can do B.Sc.

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What is the advantage of BSC?

BSC degree has many benefits. Like BSC degree is sought for many big courses and diplomas. Not only this, there are many such government vacancies. If you do a BSC in computer science, then you can get many jobs in the technology field. Not only this, if you complete BSC with good marks, then you are also given scholarships, etc. by the government.

Area of Job After BSC

  1. Waste-water Plants
  2. Testing Laboratories
  3. Agriculture Industry
  4. Health Care Providers
  5. Educational Institutes
  6. Forensic Crime Research
  7. Aquariums
  8. Hospitals
  9. Oil Industry
  10. Research Firms
  11. Chemical Industry
  12. Food Institutes
  13. Forest Services
  14. Biotechnology Firms
  15. Industrial Laboratories
  16. Space Research Institutes
  17. Seed And Nursery Companies
  18. Geological Survey Departments
  19. Wildlife and Fishery Departments
  20. Environmental Management and Conservation
  21. Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Industry

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