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General Knowledge

What is 2S in train? Know the 1AC, 2AC, 3AC, SL, and CC

What is 2S in train? Know the 1AC, 2AC, 3AC, SL, and CC

What are 2S in train? Know the 1AC, 2AC, 3AC, SL, and CC: Today we will know what are 1AC, 2AC, 3AC, SL, CC, 2S coaches in train. Many times, we have booked the tickets in train and sometimes...
What is UPI Id? How its work?

UPI Full Form: What is UPI Id? How it works?

What is UPI Id? How its work? UPI Full Form: Do you know what is UPI Id and how do we use UPI? If you do not know about UPI, then Today, through this article, we will give you...
Difference Between RO, UV, and UF Water Purifiers

Difference Between RO, UV, and UF Water Purifiers

In today's time, due to increasing pollution and diseases arising in water, it has become necessary to have a water purifier in every house. A water purifier provides us with clean and pure water to drink. In today's modern...
IT Rules 2021: What are the new IT Rules?

IT Rules 2021: What are the new IT Rules?

The Government of India introduced the IT Rules 2021 in February this year with some changes, in which some new rules have been added for social media platforms. The government had given time to these platforms till May 25. Also...
WFH Products that Makes your work easy

WFH Products that Makes your work easy

WFH Products that Makes your work easy: After the lockdown, the life balance is not going like before. Everyone's lifestyles are now changed. Many people are working from home and they want to make life easier with some gadgets...
Geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic storm: Cause and Impact of solar storm

Geomagnetic storm also known as solar storm caused by a major disturbance of Earth’s magnetosphere and our Sun is responsible for this.
Everything you need to know about an Exhaust Fan

Everything you need to know about an Exhaust Fan

If you are a House maker and you make a lot of fried and spicy food in your kitchen, then you really need a good exhaust fan system for your kitchen and not only in the kitchen in the...
International Yoga Day 2021: Why Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June, Theme of the Year and more

International Yoga Day 2021: Why Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June, Theme and...

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June in the country and the world. Public programs are organized every year on a large scale. However, due to the Corona epidemic, like last year, this year also more...
BSNL Satellite Phone

What is Satellite Phone | BSNL Satellite Phone | Satellite Phone Price

When you must have heard the name of satellite phone or read these titles. Then you must be thinking that what is the difference between satellite phones and normal mobile phones. And what is a satellite phone? How is...
21 June 2021 : The longest day of the year, Meaning and Why ?

21st June 2021 : The Longest Day of the Year, Meaning and Why ?

21st June 2021 (The Longest Day of the Year) : Days change, seasons change as well as the duration of day and night. 365 days of the year are not equal. Sometimes the days are short and the nights...


TCL introduced Smart Glass

TCL has announced its Smart Glass. The name of this smart glass is TCL Thunderbird Smart Glasses Pioneer Edition and it will knock with...
LPG Full Form: What is LPG?

LPG Full Form: What is LPG?