Internet Speed Test : In terms of mobile and broadband internet speed, India has not a good ranking. India has been ranked 129th in mobile network speed in Ookla’s December 2020 Global Internet Speedtest Index, while India has been ranked 65th in terms of broadband speed.

Qatar has made a big difference in the new indexing. Qatar has overtaken South Korea and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in terms of network speed. On the other hand, Thailand has left Hong Kong and Singapore behind in terms of broadband network speed.

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Average Mobile Speed in India

According to Ookla’s December 2020 report, the average downloading speed of the mobile networks in India has come down by 4.4 percent to 12.91Mbps from 13.51Mbps earlier i.e. in November 2020, although mobile uploading speed in India has seen an improvement.

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Mobile uploading speed in India was 1.4 per cent higher in December as compared to November. in November, Mobile uploading speed was 4.90Mbps which reached to 4.90Mbps in December.

India Ranks 65th in Broadband Speed

India is ranked 65th in the global broadband speed ranking. The average speed of broadband in India is 53.90Mbps, while the average uploading speed is 50.75Mbps. in November, the broadband speed in India was 52.02Mbps, while the uploading speed was 48.57Mbps. In such a situation, there has been an increase in both speeds.

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List of Internet Speed Test / Internet Speed Check Tools

  1. Google
  2. Fast
  3. Ookla
  4. Project Stream
  5. Century Link

Google Speed Test

It will check the Speed in 30 Seconds. Just Search on Google Internet Speed test or click here to check your speed.

After you have to click on the button Run Speed Test. It will open a popup and show your Downloading and Uploading Speed in 30 Seconds.

How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check
How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check

Fast Speed Test

Simplily open the and it will automatically start the speed test and gives you the result within 30 Seconds.

How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check

Ookla Speed Test Online Mobile

Open the and click on Go Button. It will give you the Speed Test Results in 30 Seconds.

How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check
How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check

Project Stream

Open The on your browser and click on check now. It will return the results in 30 Seconds.

How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check

Simply open the on your browser and Click go. It will gives you the downloading and uploading speed within 30 seconds.

How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check
How to check Internet Speed ? Tools for Internet Speed Check

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