Google has finally rolled out Dark Mode on Google Search Desktop. Now you can convert bright web pages to gray. Google has already rolled out the dark theme for apps on Android and iOS. Dark Mode has now been made available for Google Search Desktop. Google had earlier told that it is going to give this feature to its users soon.
The new update was announced by Product Support Manager Hung F. He said, “I am pleased to announce that starting today, fully rolling out over the next few weeks, the dark theme is now available for Google search pages on desktop. Thank you for your response on this forum.
How to enable dark mode
- First, go to the top right of the web page and then click on Settings
- Click on Appearance on the left
- Then select the device as default, then Dark and Light
- When you select device default, the color will automatically match with your current device
- When you select the dark color, you will see light text in the dark background
- When you choose a light color, you will see dark text on a light background

After customizing your settings, you can click the save button, in the search page you will find the Google homepage, search result page, search settings, and other things. Google has said that the update will be rolled out within a few weeks. But users are not going to get this immediately. Google has started testing this feature for mobile here as well. But till now no plan has been rolled out for this.
Google started testing Dark Mode on Search Desktop in February. Talking about the new update, Google told The Verge that, we are always testing new ways to improve our user experience. But for the time being, we do not have any new announcements.
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