In the world of fast internet where technology is growing day by day. Most of the countries started 5G and 6G testing in their places even in India almost 80% of areas are using 4G. But here the topic is totally based on watching YouTube Ad-Free.

Working of Ad-Industry

If you are not aware of how all the internet websites or services earn then I want to let you know that there are basically two ways of their earning. The first way is to sell any kind of service to the end-user and make direct money from them. And the second way is to show any third-party ad on your website and earn money with those websites.

So in the second approach, you will see lots of websites that provide free services to their users and show ads on their platform. For example Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and many more. So indirectly they make money from you by showing ads of other brands which you click and purchase.

Watch YouTube Ad-Free

So now you would have understood how YouTube also earn in the same process. But there is also a YouTube Premium program in which it directly charges some monthly subscription with the end-user to show the videos ad-free from their platform.

Now the point is how can you watch YouTube ad-free videos without any subscription charge. So there are no hacking tricks for this process because you all know this giant video platform is too big and a branch company of Google as well.

So they do all the negative aspects for their platform so that no one can hack their system. But while working on any big feature sometimes they left a loophole which you can use to sustain their free services for some time. So let’s understand some steps to watch YouTube ad-free videos.

Steps of Ad-Free Videos

Step: 1>>

Recently YouTube updated its android app with some new features and in this list of features, you can enjoy one of them. So in the below screenshot, you can understand the feature which I am trying to explain. When you open the YouTube feed page where you see all the list of videos. And when you focus on any video that will start playing and this feature is a little old but the new feature is that you can unmute the video as well as use the controls to forward and backwards the video.

And in this process of playing video, you can easily enjoy the YouTube ad-free because in this scenario you will not see any kind of ad. But you have to see the video on a smaller screen.

Step: 2>>

Now the second way is for the desktop user and in this case, you have to install Brave browser on your desktop or laptop to take the advantage of Ad-free YouTube. Because Brave browser is kind of browser which disable any kind of Ad in the currently opened website.

Brave Browser watch youtube


I hope you would have understood to watch YouTube Ad-free videos without any hassle and extra illegal activities.

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